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Anti-PEG Antibodies
2022-11-02 846

PEG, or polyethylene glycol, is a synthetically constructed polymer, made of repeating units of ethylene glycol (-CH2-CH2-O-). It is known for its properties of being water-soluble, as it is strongly hydrophilic with a large exclusion volume in aqueous solution, and it is also resistant to non-specific protein adsorption. Due to these unique characteristics, PEG has found itself being used in the field of biopharmaceuticals as a coating for drug proteins, peptides, drug-antibody conjugates, aptamers, or monoclonal antibodies to facilitate their delivery.

The special properties of PEG coatings help to overcome the limitations of biopharmaceutical drugs. Also, PEG coatings have the impact of increasing the hydrodynamic size and masking the surface epitopes of the biopharmaceutical drugs, help to reduce immunogenicity.

Anti-PEG Antibodies

Antibodysystem PEG series antibody is suitable for WB, FC, ELISA, IHC.

1.PEG antibodies can be used to detect PEG drugs.

2.PEG antibodies play an important role in PK research of PEG drugs.

3.PEG antibodies can also be used for immunogenicity analysis of PEG drugs.

Product name Catalog No. Applications Host species Isotype
Anti-PEG Antibody (E11.2#) RGK24701 ELISA, WB Mouse IgG1, kappa
Anti-PEG Antibody (6A9/PEG.2) RGK24702 ELISA Mouse IgG1, kappa
Anti-PEG Antibody (14B5/PEG.1a) RGK24703 ELISA Mouse IgG1, kappa
Anti-PEG Antibody (14B5/PEG.1b) RGK24704 ELISA Mouse IgG1, kappa
Anti-PEG Antibody (3.3.1) RGK24705 ELISA, FC Mouse IgG1, kappa
Anti-PEG Antibody (2B5) RGK24706 ELISA, FC Mouse IgG1, kappa
Anti-PEG Antibody (32D6) RGK24707 ELISA, FC Mouse IgG1, kappa
Anti-PEG Antibody (AGP3) RGK24707 ELISA, FC, WB,IHC Mouse IgG1, kappa
Anti-PEG Antibody (6.3) RGK24709 ELISA, FC, WB Mouse IgG1, kappa
Anti-PEG Antibody (15-2b) RGK24710 ELISA, FC, WB Mouse IgG1, kappa



1.Anti-PEG antibodies in the clinic: Current issues and beyond PEGylation PMCID: PMC5747248.

2.Anti-PEG antibodies: Properties, formation, testing and role in adverse immune reactions to PEGylated nano-biopharmaceuticals PMID: 32745496

3.Replacement of L-amino acid peptides with D-amino acid peptides mitigates anti-PEG antibody generation against polymer-peptide conjugates in mice PMCID: PMC7946756.

4.Anti-PEG immunity: emergence, characteristics, and unaddressed questions PMCID: PMC4515207.


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